Kathrine Emrick




Ten years have passed since Ros James left Tempest Beach, vowing never to return. When she receives a phone call informing her that her sister Kerry is missing, she returns to the town to find out what happened to her.

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Lloyd Sisters Trilogy – Dera

Lloyd Sisters Trilogy – Dera


"Dera looked back at him deliberately before she turned her back on him to rescue the nearly boiling milk, thinking hard. She wanted him and she wanted him badly. She felt him move closer behind her and kiss her neck, feeling a rush of anticipation she turned back to him and smiled as she took his hand in hers to lead him up the stairs."

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Celtic Fae Legend(Lloyd Sisters Trilogy – Blazing Fire Trilogy)

Celtic Fae Legend(Lloyd Sisters Trilogy – Blazing Fire Trilogy)

Series: Bundles, Book -1
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Tag: Recommended Books

The Celtic Fae Legend is now combined all together in one volume for a massively discounted price. Get the entire series and read it back to back now!

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Lloyd Sisters Trilogy – Gwenna

Lloyd Sisters Trilogy – Gwenna


Gwenna is half fairy, half human. She is sweet but has a wild streak. She is not willing to let any man dominate her and until she meets the man who is her equal, she’s happy to remain single. She is a photographer who is gradually becoming famous for her photos of the beautiful Welsh landscape. Invited to exhibit her pictures in a gallery in Dublin, she meets Aidan and falls helplessly for him.

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Love’s Unbearable Heat (Escape Into Romance)

Love’s Unbearable Heat (Escape Into Romance)


Jackie Arnett is in love with her boss but he can’t make up his mind if he wants to date her or keep their relationship strictly professional. So Jackie decides to take some risk and change up her looks to entice him. Things couldn’t have gone better, except when she tries to keep things going, he wants to go back to the way they were. Finally, Jackie makes another plan to date Mister Elusive Wonderful but will it fall through? Read and find out.

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Lloyd Sisters Trilogy – Eira

Lloyd Sisters Trilogy – Eira


Eira is half fairy, half human. She is bookish and very logical and doesn’t believe in wild passion until she meets Gareth.

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Man of Her Dreams (Escape Into Romance)

Man of Her Dreams (Escape Into Romance)


Emily Fisher's dream man started visiting her in her sleep when she was twenty one years old. Bringing her to the brink night after night but never letting her achieved complete fulfillment. For a whole year he visited until the day her parents died and Emily pushed him away and out of her dreams.

Many years later, just after she got engaged to her boyfriend, the dream man returned. Things go downhill very quickly for Emily when the dream man is all she can think about causing her whole life to fall apart.

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Blazing Fire Trilogy – Journey

Blazing Fire Trilogy – Journey


The Blazing Fire Trilogy Continues...

"She wrapped the fluffy red towel around her and stepped out into the hallway. And almost into Kailen's arms. She was sure she yelped. He was naked from the waist up. Her eyes got stuck on his muscular abs and chest and oh my dear God he was the most gorgeous man she'd ever seen..."

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Love Letter of the Law (Escape Into Romance)

Love Letter of the Law (Escape Into Romance)


April Munroe and Jake Ashton lead very different lives, but they do have something in common that will draw them together whether they like it or not.

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Blazing Fire Trilogy – Awakening

Blazing Fire Trilogy – Awakening


The Celtic Fae Legend continues...

"Isobel stopped short and stared. She wasn't imagining it. There he was. He wore a simple leather vest that left his strong chest and sculpted abs exposed for her to see. His long dark hair stirred gently in the same breeze that caressed her face and it was like she could feel his hand on her skin, tracing the line of her jaw and down her neck…"

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